Got Fee Pressure? Don't let your clients get you down, in price.

Got Fee Pressure? Don't let your clients get you down, in price.

Neil Guilmette of Business Development Machine, wants you to think about why you are currently charging the fees you're charging. Take a minute to think... Do this... really, it's important. Ready? OK... now most likely, all of the reasons you came up with are total B.S. They are lies you either told yourself or lies you believed from someone else. Read on to to increase the money you make and keep. 

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Preparing Your Practice To Sell For Top Dollar

Preparing Your Practice To Sell For Top Dollar

Someday you’re going to want to sell your practice. Maybe for top dollar? Your clients will want to sell their businesses someday too. You (and they) can either let it happen to you or make it happen for you. The difference can be tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. Neil Guilmette explains more. 

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No Magic Here... But 5 Profit Leaks That Mean Cash Flow

No Magic Here... But 5 Profit Leaks That Mean Cash Flow

No matter how successful you believe you are, you won't achieve your full business optimization potential until you open up to new business belief systems and stop making these five profit- busting mistakes. Bill Baylis, business development expert from New York explains how to turn business dysfunction into veins of gold. 

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